How Do We Value Children?

“Children are the world’s most valuable resource and its best hope for the future.”

John F. Kennedy As quoted in Congressional Record, V. 152, Pt. 17, (2010) pg. 593

When something is entered in the Congressional Record, it becomes part of our national dialogue.  Of course, a lot of stupid statements get into the Congressional Record.

This is not one of the stupid ones.

So what does this mean?   Many questions occur to me and I do not see easy answers to many of them:

Should we assess a spending priority to programs which benefit children?

Does the socio-economic status or other demographics representing the child matter?

Are children included in the “God Helps Those Who Help Themselves” thing?

What about those school bond issues or paying teachers like we say we value them?

Ever notice how children naturally hold hands when they go out into the world?

“I’m just saying” in the Heartland ….
